7 Feb 2013

         We're in a battle

Fight,  Charley, fight!

A couple of weeks ago, I posted a Facebook status saying this:

"Sometimes it's easy to forget we're in a battle. We lie down and give up trying because things get tough, and life is tough! We then ask ourselves why we are weary and weak, because we've just let ourselves been trampled all over. But what we need is to get up and fight! God gives strength to those who ask! Let that be your strength to carry on."

What God has really been revealing to me over the past few weeks is that life is indeed hard. I never really had to work for anything when I was younger, I took life as it came and to be honest, it was a breeze. But my eyes are being opened to the trials we have to face - and that life isn't a dream. We don't always get what we want, or have things go the way we want them to. But I am learning that when trials come, I know that God is good! The verse that has been implanted firmly in my mind lately has been this:

Matthew 22:37

And Jesus said: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind."

These instructions are giving us strong advice and providing us with a form of protection. What we need to do is love God with all of our being. It is then that we will know the beauty, faithfulness, goodness and love of God. We need to believe all of the things that we read about God in the Bible - for he is so good! I am praying for the spiritual armor of God to clothe me against the enemy, and I am asking God to be my strength throughout the storm. I am going into battle; and I will fight against all of the evil thoughts that attack my mind and aim to blur my vision. Let us cling to the truth.