13 Jan 2011

Jungle Gym Training pt1/4

Amy shares some helpful tips on how to grow in your relationship with God. Pt 1/4

As I write this, my baby Riley is playing on his jungle gym play mat. He is 25 weeks old (5 ½ months to those who are like me and have no perception of what weeks mean!) He is bringing his legs up together in the air and them slamming them back down again, he repeats this over and over again, meanwhile he is also biting his bottom lip which has spent most of the morning in his mouth. The amazing thing is that little over 2 weeks ago Riley couldn’t do either of these things, he wasn’t able to bring his legs up together and he had only appeared to have found his top lip.

I have to admit I’ve become one of those sad mum’s who is obsessed with what her baby is doing and what he is learning about the world. I have even signed up to websites, which give a week by week guide to babies development. You’re encouraged as a new mum to help with your babies development, to develop play time and watch out for new skills they have picked up. My life has turned into development, development , DEVELOPMENT!!

However, I have recently felt very challenged about something… I have become so concerned about Riley’s development, but how concerned am I about my own? (I don’t mean walking and talking, I think I’ve pretty much got them covered…) but what I mean is my spiritual development, am I growing in my walk with God, am I being changed to be more like Jesus, am I displaying my faith to others?

At the beginning of this New Year I want to challenge myself and offer the challenge to you also. The challenge - Develop in my walk with God.

Your distraction might not be babies but I'm sure you've got something in your life that seems to sap so much of your energy and brain power that you've got nothing left for God. What is it for you and how can you make room for your walk with God?

Spend less time on Facebook?
Say 'no' to something?
Call him back another time?

Over the next few days I'm going to be sharing some tips on how to keep the Main Thing, the main thing in your life. Are you ready for a challenge?

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