29 Jun 2011

Back from the dead?! Are you sure?

The truth about the Resurrection of Jesus...

Occasionally a report comes out that someone has died, and then returned to life. The reports carry passing interest, but how long does the excitement last?

A week? Two?

But then why are so many people still talking, debating and resting the base of their faith on one man's death thousands of years ago?

So, to dive straight in, lets look at the available evidence surrounding the truth of the resurrection.

The Empty Tomb: Everyone agrees that the Tomb was empty, but there are only three logical explanations for this:

1) Jesus' friends took his body.
2) Jesus' enemies removed the body.
3) Jesus rose again.

1) His friends nicked it...
The events of Good Friday would have broken the disciples' spirit completely, therefore the last thing on their mind would be to plot frauding a resurrection. And besides, there was a guard by the Tomb,
so this was virtually impossible. (Matt 27 v62-66)

2) Jesus' enemies removed the body. But what would be the motive?? Removing his body would only promote rumours that Jesus was alive.

3) Jesus rose again. Surely this is the only logical explanation?

Appearances after the resurrection:
- Jesus appeared to his followers around ten times following his resurrection. On some occasions only one or two people were present, and on another over 500 were present. There is no possibility of hallucinations. The appearances took place in different places and at different times. Then the appearances stopped abruptly. Any who are subject to visions or hallucinations tend to go on experiencing them - they don't stop abruptly.

So what about the disciples, were they hiding anything?? Well, take Chuck
Colson, an associate of ex-US President Richard Nixon. He was involved with the Watergate scandal alongside Nixon in the 70's, and became a Christian while in prison. He knew from the Watergate scandal that the truth has a way of coming out. He admitted that he couldn't hold their story for three weeks under the intense pressure. He also concludes that if the resurrection was a lie, that the disciples could never have held out. So, if the disciples were hiding anything, it would of come out eventually.

Obviously, its up to you to decide whether you believe the resurrection to be true, but if it isn't, then clearly the biggest prank has been played on the world, with billions falling for it.

But, then again, how likely is that to happen?


1 comment:

  1. Very good blog, Joel. The presentation is exquisite, and the points are very easy to understand and to remember.

