It’s been a
while since I’ve written a blog, and I’m actually so thankful for Rachel for
requesting one from me - it is something I rarely think about doing but gain so
much from, unexpectedly! I totally recommend trying it. God does so much in our
everyday lives. If we just stopped, and thought, then I think a lot of us who
think that are Christians but don't think of themselves as HEARING from God,
would actually be astonished - about how much he is in touch with our lives.
SO, I had no
idea what to write about, and I was having a read through my previous emails,
and Jez suggested doing a blog on prayer. BORING, right ahha I am kidding, but
no. I think one thing that God has put on my heart recently is strength.
S.T.R.E.N.G.T.H. that beastly word, often associated with body builders and
weight lifters haha. At college all the gym lads talk about the numbers they
are lifting, etcetc, and in the human world - they have physical, muscular
But that's
not the only side of the word. on the news and such we hear stories, stories of
people who are STRONG in character, belief, love and so on - these people are
Often I think
that it is seemed to be a trait which is unreachable; desirable; but made for
only a select few. It’s what superheroes and brave, one-in-a-million people
have. But, I don't know, I think that God wants to tell us something different.
I think he wants us to know that every one of us, each and EVERY one of us has
strength - inner strength, that's amazing, and possible of ANYTHING. In the
bible, it says in Philippians’ 'we can do all things in Christ who gives us
strength' - one of my personal favourite verses. it can be whipped out in all
occasions; when there are people moaning about how a maths question that is
IMPOSSIBLE, or even when someone just seems too low to get through a situation.
However I do not think that it is used ENOUGH as it should be in our everyday
lives. The Lord is out best friend, he adores us SO much and it delights his
heart to see us relying on him. When we were in Romania, it was AWESOME to see
his people so dependent on him - and heck, he delivered! If we let God into so
much more of our lives, if we turn to him as our first port of call when the
going is good, smooth AND when we hit rough waters, how can we NOT see so much
more of him every single day?
We are stuck
in this world, full of sin, death and sadness- Jesus knows what it's like. But
we haven't been left for dead. We have a MISSION for this world, and that is
not just to get through it with a smile on our face. The Lord our God is here,
with us, powering us through, even if it feels like we can barely make it
through the day! We can do ALL things, through Christ, who gives us strength.
We just have to soak it up! We can do that by spending time with him; ask. and
you shall receive. :)
So yeah,
that's just what God has put on my heart. It should be our mantra, that we are,
unstoppable. Even when we're going through turmoil - we have been given the
power, the backbone the muscle of GOD behind us. Dude, this guy created the
heavens and the earth. #crazy he knows the ins and outs of absolutely
EVERYTHING. And he's our father? Wow! Yeah!
I’m going to
stop now, I could go on forever in these things. I just pray that everyone can
USE the amazing power we have access through. Whether it's keeping it together
through a family crisis, or physically pulling yourself up a mountain
AMEN:) we
have His strength.
love it Fitzy! Keep at it.