20 Mar 2013

Living for Jesus?

By Shereen Shafiee

The word "Christian", what does it actually mean? How do we live it? 
We live in a world that is becoming increasingly secular. How are we supposed to maintain a "Christian" status? How do we live our lives for Jesus whilst everyone seems to be doing the opposite?

It's not easy, walking with Jesus. In fact it's one of the hardest things I've ever experienced. You become an outcast, to the world, to your friends and sometimes you think "Is this whole Jesus thing really worth it?" because you don't see results.  I just want to remind you to keep standing. Just keep pressing. Don't give into your past for comfort, let's DO something different. Let's really, authentically seek CHRIST. You've probably heard that one before. But this isn't some little Christian cliche that I'm saying - I'm telling you to go and get on your face before God and just pour your heart out. Take each day, day by day and you will find that your entire perspective will CHANGE. It's not that it will make life any easier and suddenly all your problems will disappear... its just that when those problems come they'll look a little different. You will still smile as if you have this secret between you and God. You'll smile because you're comforted by your Father's arms.  You'll SMILE because... you know that deep down, these attacks are making you better and not bitter.

So, I want to encourage you to be bold. Take a stand for Christ. You shouldn't have to just tell someone you're a Christian, they should see it in you. This is something I have to constantly work on and God is still moulding me. You see, this Christian life, it shouldn't just be words. Let today be the day that you decide who you will serve. Will you serve the living God, Jesus? Or will you continue to live for the god of your emotions,  indulging in a life of selfish ambitions? God doesn’t want us to just attend church, ministry begins outside of the church. Christianity is more than singing or playing instruments, it’s having a relationship with the Creator. When Jesus said “follow me”, He didn’t mean “look at me from a far”, “life will be easy”, nor did He say “watch others”. Jesus simply bids us to follow closely beside Him, having an intimate connection to Him and His presence. So let’s put aside the games and distractions and start actually living what we read. 

Salvation is free and available to all who accept the invitation. Unfortunately, so many “accept Jesus as their lord and personal savior”, but never allow Him to reign on the throne of their hearts. So I want to encourage you today to really live this out. It's okay to be different to the world, Jesus said we would be. But that's what makes us so special! God chose us, loves us and knew us before we were even born. He even knows the amount of hairs on our head  (Luke 12:7)! Sometimes I think, how amazing is it that the same God who called the universe into existence would invest into me?! One person among the billions of people, stars and galaxies- One soul in the entire universe and history of people who ever lived. That's not something you can really fathom. But it does make you think, the least we can do is live for Him. Like really and truly, let Him have our whole heart. 
Now this is something that I have to constantly remind myself as well, I'm always falling short and making mistakes. But I know that He's always there to pick me right back up. 

Luke 12:6-7 "Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." 

 Ephesians 1:4 "Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes." 

"You did not choose me, but I chose you..." John 15:16.

He loves us, He knows us and He chose us! Let's rejoice in that. Let's allow Him to have His will in our lives. SO, let's start today! We will DESIRE what we constantly give our attention to. So let's start giving our attention to the only living God. Amen