27 Sept 2011

Romania Romania Romania

As you know next July we are planning a Missions Trip to Romania! Not only will this be an experience of a life time it will also be a time or real reliance on God and a time of seeking, listening and obeying him!

So about Romania: Romania has a population of 21.9 million people and is the seventh largest country in Europe. The country is situated in Eastern Europe, below Ukraine and above Bulgaria, next to the Black sea. Romania is a secular state and has no state religion. However 86.7% of Romanians identify themselves as Christians with 4.7% Catholics. There is also a growing Muslim minority in the western parts of the country. Romania is a place where we have connections through the church which gives us great opportunity to use this connection to spread Gods name. This would be a great experience to jump on board with, living and learning about a new culture gives us a real revelation about the world and how people (not just in England) need to hear Gods word.

When I was 18 years old, I went on a missions trip to Valencia, It was without a doubt the most amazing time I’ve had spent with God and trusting him. Each day we went out treasure hunting, prophetic evangelism, praying for others, worship on the streets and just glorifying God’s name in a catholic Society. Even though their were some hard moments God’s faith prevailed and we saw some amazing things that week. By trusting in him and trusting in ourselves that God was leading us, allowed us to have some amazing conversations about a God that loved them. This for me strengthened my relationship with God and really built up my faith in him which was limited before I went. God has blessed me through it with prophetic gifting in which I love to exercise. That trip not only shaped me but in a few weeks could see the enormity of God and his love and protection over us!

This is why I encourage Romania to you, Jesus said “Go and make disciples of all Nations” (Matthew 28:19). If we are listening to God then we will follow! Not everyone has had a chance to hear the Gospel and now is the chance for us to tell people about Jesus and spread his Holy name. If you are worried about money... don’t be! Pray about it, seek God and he will reveal things to you! If you are worried about protection... pray about it because God is a God of protection. “Lead me to the rock that is higher than I, for you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the enemy. Let me dwell in your tent forever, let me take refuge under the shelter of your wings” (Psalm 61:2-3).

As it says in Matthew 6: 25-34 “Do not worry O ye of little faith” for God is a provider of what we need and will provide for us. God knows we worry about things and are anxious and nervous but don’t be for the Lord our God is with us and he will love and comfort us. Romania will be an amazing experience to enter into a deeper relationship with him, building up your faith and stepping out of the boat and walking on water with Jesus!

“When I am afraid,
I put my trust in you.
In God, whose word I praise,
In God I trust; I shall not be afraid.
What can flesh do to me” (Psalm 56:3-4)

20 Sept 2011

Help I'm Lost, Where Is God's will?

By Demelza

At Life Group the other day, we were invited to write down a question that we had about God, and then those that wanted to could choose somebody else’s question to try and answer in a blog.

The question I chose was actually something that had been on my heart for a while: “Why is it that I don't know where I am going? I try and pray and ask for direction, but unlike everyone around me, I can't seem to get a response. Why am I failing?”

This reminded me strongly of a preach by Andrew Wilson – probably one of the best preaches I’ve ever heard. He talked about a football match (forgive me for forgetting the exact details – not a football fan I’m afraid!) where in the first half of the match, Liverpool were losing quite badly to Manchester United – they were 3-0 down, and apparently there’s not much hope of recovering from that. When it came to half time, Liverpool fans were gutted. Shockingly, one fan was so upset he killed himself during half time, without even knowing the ending. That guy was so sure that everything was over, that without waiting until the end of the match, he ended his life. Incredibly, Liverpool ended up winning the match through penalty points. How sad that that man had based his own happiness on a match he thought he knew the ending of, but didn’t.

Andrew Wilson said that watching that match at the time was painful and tense, but now, knowing the ending, he can watch that awful first half again knowing that in the end, everything would be alright.

Though there is sadness, loss and confusion in our everyday lives, we don’t have to worry about the future because not only do we know the end of the story we also know that we have a God who is guiding us through our lives, even though it sometimes feels as if he’s not there.

Earlier this year, that’s exactly how I felt: like God was giving other people direction and had forgotten me. The way I got through it was to P.U.S.H – Pray Until Something Happens. We have an amazing God who loves us so much, who wants us to come to Him and tell Him how we feel. I also limited my music to just Christian music until my head was sorted out and I knew I was right with God. I’d really recommend doing these things as well as reading the Bible and talking/praying with a youth leader when you feel this way.

With regards to failing, the point is simple, even though it doesn’t always feel it: if our God is for us, then who could ever stop us? I found this verse really helpful during my exams:
“For if their purpose or activity if of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourself fighting against God.” (Acts 5:38)

Other verses I turn to when I’m feeling lost:

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:11-13)
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” (Philippians 4:6)

God bless  xx

14 Sept 2011

No trimming your beard, no eating bugs, and definitely no bacon...?

By Mary Trev.

I've always been intimidated by Leviticus. And I've always kind of avoided it during my Bible study times, I mean I always intended to read it, just another time. Cause you know, it's a really long book of laws, and there are a lot of strange ones in there, like not trimming your beard, not eating crawling insects, not eating pig and how to bring sacrifices to God to atone for their sin, and I know that all of that stuff doesn't apply to us today, although I wasn't quite sure why. But recently I was prepping for Sunday Kidz, and I was watching this DVD that we're showing them in which singing puppets explained all about Leviticus and Old Testament law, obviously singing puppets must help me learn because suddenly I understood!

Basically Israel were God's chosen, holy nation, they were set apart for God, and Leviticus (and the other books of Law in the bible) is like an instruction book for them on how to be holy. The puppets asked the question, “What's with all the wacky rules and why don't we follow all of them today?” A good question I thought. Then they said that there were two types of law – ritual and ethical. A ritual is something we do over and over that reminds us of something important, lots of people have strange rituals, a popstar might have a random song or chant that they have to sing before they go on stage for example, or a football team might have a lucky sock, or something like that, that they all have to touch before they play a match. These things seem weird to us, but it means something to them.

In the same way the ritual laws that the Israelites followed seem weird to us now, but it meant something to them, it was a constant reminder to them that they were called to be a holy nation! For example, the not trimming your beard one – that's a massive reminder, permanently growing on your face that you are set apart for God! On the other hand the ethical laws, the ones like do not kill, or do not steal, still make a lot of sense to us today. Using the football pitch example, these are rules like don't trip anyone up, or punch any other players in the face – it's obvious why these rules are in place, if they weren't the game would not run smoothly! It's the same with the Bible – it's obvious why God would tell us not to kill each other – and these ethical laws are the ones that are reaffirmed in the New Testament.

You may have also noticed that the punishments in the Old Testament seem … extreme. The death penalty comes up a lot. Why are they so extreme? We know that God is holy, very holy, and the Israelites knew that God is holy too, but the other nations of the world didn't. The Israelites were called to be a blessing to all nations, and it was through their adherence to the law, and the extreme punishments for sins that other nations could see how holy God is, and also how serious sin is.

So why don't these rules apply to us any more? Well the Israelites were under the old covenant that God made with his people through Moses. But we are under the new covenant that God made with us through Jesus! This is why we no longer need to make sacrifices to atone for our sin, because Jesus' sacrifice was enough to atone for our sin once and for all!

So I have been inspired to start reading Leviticus, and I want to challenge you to do the same! Andrew advised me to do this by reading three chapters of Leviticus, then one chapter of Hebrews, because Hebrews teaches a lot about the new covenant and Jesus being our high priest. So that's what I'm doing. While I'm reading Leviticus I'm thinking about God, and how it shows just how incredibly holy he is – the Israelites had to follow all of these laws and make sacrifices continually just to be close to him! And even then none of them could enter the Most Holy Place where God's presence was. I'm also thinking about Jesus, feeling continually grateful to him for liberating us from the ritual laws, and thinking about how amazing it is that he has made us perfect before God. We don't have to make sacrifices to come close to him now, we can just walk straight into his presence, and more than that we are welcomed as sons and daughters of our heavenly father who loves us.

How awesome is that?!

6 Sept 2011

Why does God change our plans?

In our last life group of the year we had a prayer workshop session and one of the stations was the ‘Wonder Wall’ where we could anonymously write a question down that we had about God, the Bible, our Faith, etc... We decided (under the suggestion of Jez, who’s clearly trying to get out of writing all the summer blogs!) to try and take a question each and research and learn the answer the best we could about that question. So... here is mine:

“Why does God suddenly change our plans causing us hurt?”
I’m going to start by flipping the question slightly... Does God really suddenly change our plan or is it that this was the plan all along and it’s just that we are not ‘all knowing’ like he is that we feel it has all been suddenly changed and that our world has turned upside down? I want to pick out the word ‘our’. If we are in Christ Jesus and saved under HIS grace and are therefore living for HIM. Is our plan really the plan we want to follow? Should we not be seeking and listening out for God to tell us His plan for us over our lives?

Maybe this is what you meant, and I’m annoying you know by being picky over wordage – if this is the case I do apologise! So putting the emphasis back to God changing the current plan or direction of our lives: Well from what I’ve heard God he is all knowing (as mentioned above) which means he completely understands and sympathises, even empathises with our situation. Remember that God too has endured suffering – I mean look what he did for us on the cross. He endured the pain of carrying rough splintered wood at least twice the height of himself for miles, a sharp interwoven crown of blood thirsty thorns hard pushed upon his head and long rusty nails being driven into his hands and feet, before finally enduring death. This was all for things that weren’t and aren’t even his fault! But for the nation that he loves and forgives in His prefect grace. So Jesus knows about suffering; he even prayed that it would be taken away from him, much like we do: “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me...” Luke 22:42 and he cried out to God: “...my God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Matt 27:46. So it’s ok to be hurt and confused and cry out to God - he himself did!
I honestly believe that God’s plan for us never changes: “In him we were...chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him...” Ephesians 1:11 It says so in the bible – and you don’t argue with the bible! - “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true...”2 Tim 3:16. Ephesians 1:11(above) literally says that God has chosen us and when he did so, he already had a plan for our whole life- so he won’t change it! If it’s predestined by God, we will end up doing it! And don’t worry, it will always be something to demonstrate His goodness and that is suited to you, because he knows your character better than anyone. For example, he won’t make you become a preacher if you are more suited to evangelise in your workplace, nor will he send you on a road of suffering.

Things hurt and we can feel distant from God because we as a human race brought sin into the world. That’s not to say God will specifically punish you for your specific wrongs and praise you for your specific rights (that would be karma – which we don’t believe in as Christians!) It’s just that bad things are a result of sin, so they will happen whether you are the best person in the world or the worst. These things can bring us away from God but never so far that he doesn’t pull us back again. Maybe you change, a situation changes, or an opportunity comes up etc and it sends you wavering off track for a bit, but God knows you, so he knows this is going to happen and he’s already worked out a way to bring you back again. This could be a dramatic change that confuses and even hurts us at the time, but I’ve always found God in these situations when looking back. It’s all part of His plan and he can see the bigger picture, unlike us who are stuck with our magnified ‘me and my world’ view. Not because we are selfish, it’s just the only world we really have a true understanding for.
So to conclude, all I can really say is God’s plan is always and has always been mapped out for you. Jesus said “...I am the way, and the truth, and the life...” John 14:6 but Various things can cause us to waver from the plan (both things that are specifically our fault and completely not our fault) and they can hurt. Alot. They hurt because we have emotions and we have emotions because “God created man in His own image...” Genesis 1:27, and God is full of emotions and feeling. The best we can do is try and keep on track with what Gods plan is for us and the way we can do that is to keep asking and seeking His way, His name and His direction. I therefore challenge you: how on track are you with God’s plan for you? Pray for Him to reveal more about what it is, but also pray about the things that hurt. It’s ok to feel like that and I pray that he will comfort you and bring you great joy and peace over the situation.

2 Sept 2011

New Impacter on the Scene

Hi there!!
So I’m Lizzie White the new Impacter this year….I know not much of a surprise! A few things you didn’t know I am from Poole in Dorset, lived there my whole life and is possible one of the most amazing and beautiful places to grow up! I couldn’t possible pick a favourite musician but I love music similar to Ed Sheeran, Example, Snow Patrol and Vampire weekend. The last C.D I bought was Example, quality album!

I’m not a big reader but the last book I read was ‘embracing the poor’, talked about three different types of poor and how God can use us to help each of them not just financially and practically but spiritually also (amazing)! I think if I had a night off I would either go out for drinks with friends, watch a movie in or catch up with old friends that I haven’t seen in a while. Like meeting up with my friends! So I’ve just graduated Uni where I studied Sport and Exercise Science (I know I’m well old), which focused on effects in the body during exercise in different environments, really good course but no idea what it can lead to!!

So about being a Christian, I think I started going to church when I was 13 but can’t truthfully say I started living my life fully for God until I was about 18/19 years old. I originally went to church as it was the first place I wasn’t bullied but wasn’t until I met with God and started to see a change in my life that I actually started to live my life as a Christian. Over the years God has put me through some really exciting but a lot of hard times have come too, but has always protected me and kept me safe. I get excited by Gods plans for me and waiting for him to use me by showing his trust, protection and faithfulness which has always pushed me closer to him. I think that the thing I’m most excited about this year is seeing what God will do in our youth group. At Newday this year God met with them in amazing ways and really revealed his truth to them and I just can’t wait to see him break into hearts this year and continue the work in which he started in them. Praise God!!