15 Nov 2011

When we fail...

Hello there!:)

This is a spontaneous thing which I figured I’d write about; it’s been a long weekend but I’ll try and get my thoughts out on my screen!

I was reading Judges, today, as part of the bible in a year scheme; and not going to lie it was the part which feels more like a chore, as per usual! But something struck me and absolutely amazed me today, and I feel I should tell you about it. It’s something that has come up time and time again in my head; there is a pattern repeated through this book and others in the old testament. Every time I notice it and stop and think: it just seems more and more amazing.
The point at which I stopped reading and decided it was about to time to whack out my laptop was in Judges 6, right at the start. I’m going to write my translation but yours is probably different It starts off with this: ‘Again the Israelites did what the Lord said was wrong.’
Firstly; just consider this. When I read it I just hold for a second; and realise how.. dirty we are. In God’s eyes. How many times He’s washed us anew, He’s got us out of trouble; but .. we fail again.

Compared to the absolute perfectness of Heaven; we don’t even deserve to be alive! We think that this time; our way is RIGHT and that God’s way is not what we should do. We follow the crowd, do what’s popular because we think we know better than what the magnificent Lord Almighty says . . of course my first point is that God is so amazing that He takes us anyway. But if we continue in Judges 6 ..

Vs.6: ‘Isreal became very poor, .. so they cried out to the Lord.’
This is part two! In our everyday lives, exactly the same as what the Isrealites went through back then. No matter how much we believed our way was better at the beginning; it fails, and well, we’re in trouble again. Lost, with nothing, we turn to the Lord .. and here comes the moment of truth, the full showing of how gracious and merciful our God
Vs 7:’when the isrealites cried out to the Lord, .. (8) the Lord sent a prophet to them’.
See? When these guys were at the bottom of the pit, covered in mud, God didn’t stick two fingers up or say ‘I don’t you so’. He actively sent someone to come and get them out of the situation, why? Because he cares. Just flicking through my bible, there’s dozens of examples:
same book, chapter 3! Twice consecutively; vs 7: The isrealites did what the Lord said was wrong..’ and vs 12: ‘Again the people of Isreal did what the Lord said was wrong..’ and as is the nature of our God, there were active, physical solutions sent by Him: vs.15: ‘

‘When the people cried to the Lord, he sent someone to save them..’

The Lord is definitely trying to tell us something here, and although reading these old books from times gone by may seem like a drag, I honestly believe there’s so much we can get from them. Drilling in these accounts reveals the very nature of our God. He is merciful, He is great, He is forgiving, and He will help you.. to every ‘the people cried out’; there is a ‘The Lord saved them..’. He wants what’s best for us; He loves us so deeply.
I’m not quite sure what the general gist of this blog is; a mixture of how the old testament is alive and relevant to me, reassurance of how beautiful the Lord is, just remembering how He did and still does lift us up out of the mug and the mire..
Make of it what you will. I just try and remember, every single day, how much the Lord has done for me. His beautiful grace and mercy; that no matter what rubbish I get in, I still have an amazing God ready to help me up and dust me off.



Luv XxBethxX

8 Nov 2011

What are you searching for?

When listening to music words are really important to me, and sometimes words that I relate to or speak to me will jump out or stick in my head. I was recently listening to the song ‘By your side’ by Tenth Avenue North, it wasn’t a song I’d heard before but as I listened a line jumped out at me.

“Why are you still searching…as if I’m not enough?”

I felt God challenge me on what I search for, forgetting that in Christ I have everything (Philippians 3:8). In life we can search for friendships, status, recognition, among other things, but are we making our search for a deeper relationship with God our priority? In Joshua 24:19 it refers to God as “a Holy God…a jealous God”. He doesn’t want us searching and striving for other things (idols) – he wants our focus to be Him because he wants a relationship with us. God is the only person worthy of being our first priority.

Jesus gave everything for us to have a relationship with Him; have a look at Philippians 2:6-8 to see what He was willing to do to have a relationship with you! He gave up equality with God, to be crucified for us. He is the best friend you’ll ever have; strong when you feel weak, powerful when situations seem hopeless while also being a close and personal friend that is always willing to listen. The song ‘this so called love’ by Mercy Me is full of truth about how He’ll be there for you through anything and I’d recommend having a listen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOrKrmFoXSI

So if Jesus gave everything to have a close and personal relationship with you, why are you searching for anything else? You could spend ages searching for other things, but if you search for God you won’t have to search for long – “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13). If you wanted to be better friends with a mate you’d spend more time with them and talk to them more – the same applies to a relationship with God. Make some time to spend with Him, as you would a good friend who you’d want to catch up with. And I pray that your relationship with your heavenly Father will become stronger as a result.

1 Nov 2011

Is God Good All The Time?

Hey guys, so i was thinking about what to write a blog on and during the week something really prompted me to write it on the goodness of God.
I want to start off with this, God is good all the time!

I think that is really important!

If you walked into a church and asked if God is good, most christians would say yes. Now here comes the challenge, if they were sick and you asked them if God was good and they said yes God is allowing my suffering to make me a better person then that is not saying God is good. It is the devil who comes to kill, steal and destroy, God and the devil have not changed jobs. We need to make sure we don't have a too big view of the devil and a too little view of God. God is so extremely good and God does not punish. He is good because he brings mercy to us, not pain and troubles. God is for us and not against us!

God does not lack anything, he is perfect and good, the fault is with us. We do not understand his goodness and use the excuse that God is testing us in our suffering and our tough situations. That is not true, that says God is not good when he is extremely good!

In the bible Jesus healed everyone who came to him. He never turned them away saying that God is using their troubles to make them a better person. He healed ALL who came to him.

I read a book called 'The Shack' a while ago (if you have not read it then read it!) and i'll just share a few things that are written.

- God said, 'There are millions of reasons to allow pain, hurt and suffering rather than to eradicate them but most of those reasons can only be understood with each persons story. I am not evil! You are the ones who embrace fear and pain and power and rights so readily in your relationships. Your choices are also not stronger than my purposes and i will use every choice you make for the ultimate good and the most loving outcome.

- God said, 'The real underlying flaw in your life, is that you don't think that i am good. If you knew i was good and that everything is all covered by my goodness, then while you might not always understand what i am doing, you would trust me.

- God said, ' Just because i work incredible good out of unspeakable tragedies does not mean i orchestrate the tragedies. Grace doesn't depend on suffering to exist, but where there is suffering you will find grace.

God does not inflict pain, hurt, sickness and disease, that comes form the devil. God is good and therefore he only does good, it is who he is, he is good! It says in these verses how good God is...

Psalm 34v4
Taste and see that i am good, blessed are those who take refuge in him.

Romans 8v28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him.

Mark 10v18
'Why do you call me good?' Jesus answered. 'No one is good except God alone.'

Psalm 143v10
Teach me to do your will, for you are my God, your spirit is good.

God is good all the time and we need to praise him all the time.

Malachi 3v10
'Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this.' Says the Lord Almighty, 'and see if i will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.

Challenge Gods goodness!

Hope this has helped!