5 Jul 2011


'So, today, as I was leaving his house, Jez shouted after me 'Fitz!
Write a blog!'. What about, I wondered? 'Anything,' as I walked out

the door, highly sceptical of the chances of this happening. English
exams are out of the way, why would I WANT to write ANYTHING that is
vaguely lengthy and requires thought and effort?

But, here we are. The now not-so-early hours of the morning are here,
and I'm thinking? Why not give it a go!
After a quick thought after my nightly bible readings, I figured
there's loads of things I could talk about. Quite a few which could
fill a page of God inspired thoughts, but there's one which sticks out
to me as I think about it now. It's something that I think we all
know, and kind of take for granted: God's love for us. And even that,
on it's own, sounds kind of cliché and unreal. Fake, you know?
Something said so many times, as lyrics or by preachers.
there's lots of things that I feel weren't quite realistic to me, and
this is definitely one of them.
One way I like to tackle this unearthly face of this henchly important
part of God, is to picture it as something you know, in life. 'Love'
is thrown around a lot these days, and I don't have a problem with
that: but, just stop and think about someone you love. Who loves you
back, okay? I don't mean, marriage love, it doesn't have to be.
There's many-a-people whom I love, male and female who are all close
to my heart with whom I would trust with my life. So you've got a
person, yes? Now just try and picture it, the sorta things you'd do
for them. Stay up late to talk, if they were having trouble? Be a
shoulder to cry on in the bad times, and someone to celebrate with in
the good? Be someone who'll try and make things better, and offer
advice: even if it is the stuff you don't want to, but need to, hear.
And they'd do the same for you, right. Because they love you.
Well, pretty much, God's the same. He's got nothing but your best
interests at heart. It's that kind of love that the bible is talking
about; in fact God is love: (VERSE). So under our understanding, God
is all those things!

Tell your problems to God, because He'll be up all night anyway.

That shoulder to cry on? He's ALWAYS there, literally, (VERSE) and if
you look around there's plenty of physical shoulders that He has put
in your life exactly for this purpose. ( Yeah, see? He's thought about
that. Because He loves you.).. And as for the good times, He's brought
them, so lift up your hands and praise Him for all his good work.

Someone who'll try and make things better? Wow, haha, no offence to my
bezzie mates but the Lord has quite a bit more power than them when it
comes to helping you. Just pray! (VERSE in james, about praying and

And finally, offer advice. Isn't that what the bible is there for?

That's kind of my final point, I think, then. The bible. The word of
God. Again, another cliché phrase.. Yes, I could go on. Every single
word in it is there from Him, to guide you every step of your life;
good times and bad. Don't think it's just to put on your bedside table
to look good, or that it takes a few highly religiously educated
intellectuals to decipher the secret code. No, not at all. If you just
take a look, you can find something that the Lord has put there for
you: to help you through your time.
He loved you so much, that he wrote you an entire BOOK filled with
what to do, advice and words to help you. That's a hench gesture of

Oh, gosh, this is going on longer than I thought... I'm sorry! That
wasn't my final point. :S.
I was just going to mention, you know, just a casual aftercomment...
That place they call Heaven? Ooh, haha, yeah. There. Well, that's the
proof of the pudding. The icing on the cake. This guy, has pretty much
prepared the party of our lives up there! And it's going to be good..
Check out revelations for the details! Has your bestie ever consoled
'it'll be okay in the end' in a wishful tone of disbelief to comfort
you through a bad time? Well, we know for sure, that at the end it is
going to be a lot more than 'okay'. A guaranteed (VERSE) illness and
sin free world?! Yes pleasee!
Yes. He loves us that much. That that's prepared for us.

Actually, I'll stop, after this one more thing that He did for us.
Well, something Jesus did when he was put on this earth. This guy was,
literally, perfect. No kidding. But not in a swarmy, horrible
way...just innocent and pure. Well. He loved us so much that, totally
undeservedly, he died an intensely painful death.
Like, for us. Ever had the blame shoved on you for something a friend,
or enemy I suppose, did? It's kinda annoying, right. Because it's
unfair. Well... He did it. and it's a lot more than just being wrongly
accused for talking in class.. It's death. That little sacrifice that
was made...


That, is God's love for us.

Now, my hands are kind of tired, from typing on the small keyboard of
my bb in the dark. I didn't get through all the points I had vaguely
mindmapped in my head, but I've done my best to illustrate what
exactly this odorless-sounding phrase actually means.. In the real
world. To me.

So, I guess, I'm kinda thankful to Jez for casually asking me to write
a "blog', goodness knows what for. I meant to go on into what that
means about my love for him, and I've hardly whacked in any verses to
back up my thoughts.. There are many. We'll see.
But I'll go, now. So, yeah. God's love for us. What does it mean to you?(:

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