8 Feb 2012

How Social's Your Media?

Nearly everyone has Facebook, and lots of people have Twitter. These, and other social networking sites are great ways of keeping in touch with people, and seeing photos of what they've been up to etc. BUT, how can we as Christians use social media better??
I think there are two ways of doing this:

1) Your "Religion" on Facebook says "Christian", right?? Your "About Me" section might even have your favourite Bible verse or Christian song lyrics in it. But in your pictures, comments and likes etc match up to this?? Are your comments and likes those of a young man or woman of God?? If you don't think they are, what impression does this give about Christians to others???

2) Secondly, there are ways of encouraging other Christians, and sharing with non-Christians about the amazing news of Jesus. You can do stuff like post a Bible verse that you're read and found encouraging. You never know, by sharing a verse that you've found helpful, you could really make a difference to someone's day! You could also post a video or link that may challenge non-Christians to think about the fact that there might actually be a God. By posting stuff like this, it makes sharing the gospel seem far less intense and personal to those you're trying to share with, rather than talking face to face a lot of the time. It's a clever, more subtle way of getting your point across to either one specific person, or non-Christians in general.

I encourage you to use social media in these ways, because its another way that we can lift up the name of Jesus to those who are yet to know Him.

God Bless

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