23 Mar 2012

God in the Small Things

A fantastic and inspirational new blog from Helen Rambaut... enjoy

All The Small Things.
I love the small things. Those moments that make you smile, the ones where you laugh nonstop about something stupid and the ones where you just feel happy spending time with someone. It is so easy to take those things for granted when life becomes stressful/difficult. It is so easy to say that there is nothing to look forward to or that nothing positive happened in the day. Did you forget when your friend made you laugh by passing notes during a lecture (yes that doesn’t change at uni!)? Did you forget when you were told you looked nice today? All these things lift my mood considerably, yet when it comes down to it, I spend so much time focussing on the criticisms and general stress of life that I forget about the small pleasures. I was reminded of that today when my flatmate and I made rice crispy cakes together. Just being in the kitchen with good music, good company and delicious food was brilliant. It is moments like that I treasure. Simple moments where the stress of life is momentarily forgotten.

My walk with God has been a similar story recently. I had spent so much time looking for a life changing, heart stopping moment that I had stopped seeing him at all. I was annoyed that he wasn’t shouting at me or skywriting something. But then I was reminded of an image from fireworks night.

I was watching the fireworks display, and there were the huge spectacular fireworks which leapt several feet into the sky, sparkling in the chilly air, splintering into a hundred directions and then fading into the darkness. Then, there were smaller fireworks, they didn’t leap as high, and my view was obscured by the silhouettes of the trees against the night sky. I began to become frustrated, I didn’t want to change position or perspective so I could see them. But once I did it was so worth it. Although they didn’t have the same height , they shone all the same, and their glow lit the skyline once again.

This is like our lives. We can spend months or even years searching for the next huge “God moment” when actually it may have been right in front of us, but because of our short sightedness and stubbornness we don’t see them. We don’t hear God. He doesn’t always move with a shout, but often with merely a whisper. So, just because you haven’t had God skywrite your name or had a heart stopping vision... it doesn’t mean he isn’t working in your life, or that he doesn’t have a plan for you. He is there in everything, whether it’s a word of encouragement or simply a talk that relates to you, God is working. He is always working. I have looked back countless times, only to realise God has always been there and I know that He will forever be there.

This is why I love Jesus: He is there, even in the small things.

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