29 Mar 2011

Lies that we believe

So most of us have been around church long enough to know the basics of what we believe, and those of you who were lucky enough to be brought up in a Christian household have been learning the Christian truths all your life. Truths such as;

God loves you John3:16
You are really important to God and he has big plans for you Jeremiah29:11
Jesus wants to and will forgive all your sins 2corinthians5:17
Christians are adopted as children of God John1:12

But I find it so easy to just know these truths with my head and not fully believe them with my heart. I'll give you an example, I've always known with my head God is a personal God who wants to communicate with me. But it was only about a year ago when someone challenged me on what I’d heard from God recently, that I realised I had actually been believing a lie that God had nothing to say to me. I had known the truth with my head but wasn’t believing it with my heart. This is just one example of how even as Christians we can believe lies that can really affect our lives. I know lots of Christians who struggle with guilt because of their sins, they think they’ve been so bad and committed such horrible sins that God cant forgive them, but actually they have fallen into the trap of not fully believing what Jesus has done for them.

Truth is what transforms lives, and we have a whole book full of the most amazing truths ever! The bible and the truths contained within it are what the world needs, they are what broken people need to hear and they will turn an lukewarm Christian into a Radical disciple of Jesus!

So how do we turn head knowledge into heart knowledge? We need to live out the truth;
When the bible says you are a child of God you need to act like it
When the bible says you are important and you really believe it, you wont feel useless
When the bible says God is always with you and you believe it, you wont feel lonely

Something that I have found really helpful in my walk with God recently is to think about and write down the top 3 lies that you find floating around your head sometimes. Once you have written them down find out the truth of the bible and write that down in place of the lies, then whenever you find yourself thinking of a lie repeat the truth to yourself.

Preach to your own heart.

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