9 Aug 2011

Blues blues go away...

After a week like last week it can often feel like we return to normality with a bit of a bump. The NewDay blues kick in big time...

"Last week I was surrounded by 80 other people I know well, amongst 6000 Christians hearing about and seeing God do some incredibly powerful things. Today I'm stuck in a house on my own 'cos my parents are at work, my prayers seem to bounce off the walls in silence..."

Normal life is always going to take a bit of readjustment to be honest after a week like that.

Here's a few tips to help get over the blues:

1) Look at photos of the week, listen to previous NewDay albums on Spotify, talk to friends about it & write down what you got out of it. In other words, squeeze it dry for all its goodness.

You may need to buy a notebook to contain all your thoughts.

2) Think about what James 1:25 says: 'God will bless you in everything you do, if you listen and obey, and don't just hear and forget.' Hearing lots of good talks and being around lots of good people doesn't actually do you any long term good unless you apply it to your own life. Make a list of somethings you can do to ensure that last week's influence keeps on being a blessing to you.

3) Make the most of Sundays. Sunday morning is an amazing time for being refreshed in God and stepping back into all of the great things that happenned at NewDay. It'll be different for sure (you won't be surrounded by 6000 people for one) but Jesus is the same at Kings EBo/Seaford as he is at NewDay. The meetings are shorter and you get chairs to sit on, which is a bonus so in actual fact you should find Sundays easier! Avoid sitting in Vivo whilst the church meeting is on. Growing in God doesn't happen just by being in the same building as him, it requires you to act, to pursue him, to press into him and to encourage those around you to do the same. Catching up with people and chatting together can happen after church, remember we're after long term good in your Christian life.

4) Get thinking about others. Following Jesus is about going where he's going and Jesus is always going to be out among the lost and unsaved. Pray for your non-Christian friends, ask God to speak to you for them and sensitively and wisely look to share God's love with them. Don;t get drawn into fire-fights about who's cleverer than who or who is the most convincing, just love them, pray for them, share the gospel with them and let your good deeds do the reasoning. Get it and get going.

On a personal note. What helps me the most is getting stuck into a good book about what God's done in someone else's life. Read a biography.
Read 'The Heavenly Man', 'I dared to call him Father', 'Chasing the Dragon', 'Run Baby Run' among other books. Ask your parents for help to find them, or speak to me to borrow them.

God saves, God heals, God speaks and God moves regardless of where you are, how you feel or what's going on in your life. Trust him, pursue him - you won't be let down!

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