16 Aug 2011

Newday: Just a holiday or a New Identity?

To all those who attended Newday, I write to encourage you to continue in your identity in Christ Jesus!

As Stef Liston stated; Newday was not merely camping, socialising or a holiday, it was coming before God made possible through, and only through, Jesus Christ (John 14:6). It is through Jesus that we are made new, not just a better version of our old self but a brand new creation (Galations 6:14-15). We have been given a new identity in Jesus! Because of this we are called to live according to God’s good, pleasing and perfect will and to not conform to the ways of the world (Romans 12:2).

The media, friends, family may encourage you to partake in acts which will challenge your identity in Jesus. Do not compare yourselves to what the world believes to be perfection, for the world is far from perfection so how can something which is imperfect judge what is perfect? Instead believe what God says of each of us, that we are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14), God who is nothing less than perfection.

Therefore live by the standards of a perfect God, the standards set by Jesus. We are not expected to get everything right (Romans 3:10), if it were possible for us alone to achieve perfection we would have been able to save ourselves through our own acts! God understands that this is impossible for us to do and so sent Jesus so that through him we might receive eternal life (John 3:16)!

So, if Jesus has provided eternal life for all who have an identity in him, why then do we need to live according to his standards?

We live according to his standards so that we are aware of the sin in us (Romans 3:20) and are able to repent and therefore enjoy a remarkable relationship with a holy God! Yes Jesus died for ALL our sins, but to be forgiven we MUST repent and to repent we must be aware of the sins we commit! Furthermore, we are to be a light to those who do not know Jesus (Matthew 5:14-16) and by living according to the ways of Jesus we allow people to witness Jesus in us. I know of so many who have found a new identity in Jesus through simply witnessing another living according to his ways!

If you live according to Jesus, you are living FOR Jesus. What is more worthwhile than living for Jesus? Steve Chong used the example of a bucket list, a list of all you want to do before you die. This list not only reveals what you think is worth dying for but what you think is worth living for. Steve concluded that nothing is worth living for in this world other than what is done for the service of Christ Jesus. Indeed Paul, one of the most influential, early Christian evangelists, said he would speak of nothing except that which Christ has accomplished through him (Romans 15:17-18).

We have been commissioned by Jesus himself to make disciples of ALL nations. Jesus does not just want followers, he wants disciples, people who assist in spreading the gospel and teaching the ways of Jesus (Matthew 28:18-20)! If we ourselves do not live according to the ways of Jesus how can we teach others to do so? We cant, it would be hypocritical!

I do not want to scare or overwhelm you, I mean to encourage and motivate you into living how God has intended you too! You are not to fear or feel threatened by tasks you might face for you are NOT alone (Matthew 28:20)! Remember that you can do anything through Jesus (Philippians 4:13) and that with enough faith in Jesus you are able to move mountains (Matthew 17:20).

I am going to finish with a few points that Joel Virgo made; Firstly you don’t have to be good at everything (1 Corinthians 12:14-20). God needs you to be you and will provide you with all you need to fulfil his will.
Secondly, be aware that God gives you a compass in life, not a map! Live your heart out for Jesus and he will direct you (Proverbs 3:5-6). Submit yourselves to his will and do not worry about your future.
Thirdly, know that real change takes time. To change your behaviour, attitude and bad habits will require daily walking with Jesus so be patient and persevere.
Fourthly, understand that we have been sent by God now (John 20:21). Do not spend your life waiting for a great sign or signal from God, Jesus Christ was your signal!
Finally, ALWAYS remember that God works for the good of those who love him (Romans 8:28).

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