17 Jan 2012

Why? What's in it for me?

In a week and a half's time we'll be starting Youth Alpha on Wednesday evenings at Kings for anyone aged 15-19. Why? What's in it for me?

A few years ago Matt Williams spoke at True on the story in Luke's gospel of the woman with the issue of bleeding. The situation, in case you can't remember it or weren't there, was that she had been ill for many years with an incurable disease. She pressed through the crowds to reach Jesus and was healed simply by touching his cloak/coat. Remember it? Matt said something whilst talking about this story that has stayed with me ever since. He said
'if you're bored in your Christian life, it's because you haven't done anything risky recently.'
It's true, at least it is for me. Whenever I get bored with church or being a Christian or reading my Bible or anything else it is always because I haven't taken any risks, I haven't put my faith into action.

Taking steps of faith is good for two reasons:
1 - they help us remain in dependency on God, excited about the Christian life and the adventure that is following Jesus.
2 - because God responds to faith and every so often we will see (with increasing frequency), God do some incredible things through us.

Here's a question: 'What have you done recently that involved some level of faith/nervousness?'

What you do, in many ways doesn't matter. What matters is that you do something. All of us are different and all of us need faith/courage for different things. When I was 18 I found it extremely challenging and difficult even to tell my friends that I went to church, now that I'm 28 it's not so hard (given that I work for the church, that's a good thing!). What is it for you? What makes you palms sweat or your knees knock? The truth is that faith is a muscle and the more you use it, the more it grows. The more I overcome challenges that I face, the easier the next ones are going to be. I find it hardest to talk to my family about Jesus but the more I do it/take opportunities, the easier it gets, the less daunting it is anyway.

My challenge to you this week is to invite someone to Youth Alpha. If they say 'yes' then great, if not then that's great as well - you will have done something risky and experienced something of the 'full' life Jesus was talking about in John 10:10 when he said
'I've come to bring life and life in all its fullness.'

If you want some help, then check this out. Dan Wootten wrote this last week in response to the question 'why people should do Alpha?'

Why people should do alpha?

There are soooo many questions that we want answered and loads of information we want to know. Being many questions... ALPHA! is the perfect, entertaining, enjoyable experience to be involved in, to learn answers and gain more of an experience of who our Lord is and the truth behind many unaswered questions. Alpha isn't only to ask questions and hope they're answered, it's much more than that: people can also socialise and chat with people either in the same position as them or even with christians who would like to share there amazing stories of how Jesus changed their lives and what he can do to Everyone. Alpha is great fun and it will really open your eyes and I would 100% recommend it to everyone! ...! Joining the amazing lifechanging experience of being a christian is just the beginning!... x

Well said Dan!

Think about it.


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